Continuing Nursing Education consists of various educational activities that maintain and develop the knowledge, skills and professional practice of nurses. Nurses need to maintain their competencies through continuing nursing education in order to provide safe patient care and to keep pace with advances and innovations in healthcare.
CNE Conducted
1 . International Webinar on “Balancing the Imbalances –Nurse the portrayal†on 18.03.2022
Red Crescent college of Nursing is committed to undertake research related activities and research publications in order to improve body of knowledge of the nursing profession. Hence we envisioned a research committee thus provides a conducive platform for faculty and students to enhance their knowledge and stay befitting in this competitive environment with research background.
The committee’s agenda is to make both faculties and students understand the importance of Research in nursing. The curriculum based under graduate research work is carried every academic year and guided by the post graduate faculty and the classes and presentation are designed in a way to bring out the researcher inside the student.
We motivate faculties and students to write research papers and provide them with the necessary assistance in getting them published/presented at a conference. The aim of this committee is to encourage people to come out in the open and express their opinion and help the students gain recognition for the same.
The purpose of the research committee is
Determine the direction and priorities of research in the College through strategic planning; includes theory and practical hours and presentations.
Consider and review the needs of the College in commissioning research to fulfill strategic objectives across the College including but not limited to research, policy and education;
The College Research Committee must not: enter into any agreement binding upon it or on the College.
Faculty members from different disciplines, presently engaged in research works in various fields of studies, monitor and address the issues related to research work and other academic activities in the college.
Publishing research papers in indexed journals and e-journals
Organization of research dissemination lectures of the faculties of this college
Organization of students’ colloquium.
Publication of annual report of the research, consultancy and extension activities of the faculties of this college.
Institution research committee strives to develop scientific temper and research culture and aptitude among students. Faculty members are also encouraged to make publications in scientific journals and the same was felicitated by the Principal and Management.
Papers Published
"Effectiveness of video assisted teaching programme on knowledge and attitude regarding techniques of expression, preservation and utilization of breast milk among working lactating mothers".
1. National journal, NURSES OF INDIA –ISSN-2320-2009 November 2012 on “Vision Loss: Adapting To Life With Vision Impairementâ€
2. National journal, NURSES OF INDIA –ISSN-2320-2009 May 2013 on “Child Parentingâ€
3. International journal ,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING EDUCATION AND RESEARCH-ISSN -2347-8640, January-March 2013 on A Study To Assess The Factors Related To Selected Health Problems And Determine The Effectiveness Of Audio Drama In Life Style Modifications And Its Related Outcomes Among Visually Impaired Children In Selected Schools At Coimbatore District-A Pilot Study Report
4. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING EDUCATION AND RESEARCH-ISSN -2347-8640, July-September 2014 on Respiratory Infection Among Balwadi Teachers In Selected Community At Coimbatore District.
5. ,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NURSING EDUCATION AND RESEARCH-ISSN -2347-8640, April-June 2015 on A Study to Assess the Effectiveness of Structured Drawing in Improving the Fine Motor Skills of Children with Developmental Delay in a Selected Institute at Coimbatore
The council is the advisory body to direct or advice principal in the internal affairs of the college. Its functions includes maintenance of academic standards, planning coordination, development and review of the curriculum and other academic works.
Committee members
1 | Dr. Nisha S | Principal |
2 | Prof : Sheena KV | Vice Principal |
3 | Prof : Nisha S | Profesor |
4 | Mr. Muhammed Rafi | Associate Professor |
5 | Mrs. Arly Baby | Associate Professor |
6 | Mrs. Prajitha VM, | Assistant Professor |
7 | Mrs. Babitha | Assistant Professor |
8 | PTA President |
The main objectives of this committee includes to arrange periodic assessment and accreditation of institutions of higher education, specific academic programmes or projects and to stimulate the academic environment for promotion of quality of Teaching-learning and research in higher education institutions.
Faculty Welfare Committee aims for overall development of staff members by applying different welfare schemes. This committee works for the benefit and welfare of the all staff and provides a channel to interact with each other.
The committe keeps a fund for all of the committe's operations.
To consider and recommend policies concerning the conditions and compensations of faculty employment.
To examine existing employee benefits policies, regulations, and procedures of the college and make recommendations for their revision as necessary.
To look after the needs of the staff to maintain their high morale.
To ensure favorable working environment for members of staff.
To coordinate for benevolent facilities for the members of staff.
To plan for general welfare activities for, teaching and administrative staff.
To build a healthy working environment and foster good relationships among the staff.
To provide opportunities for attending various workshops, seminars, symposiums and conferences conducted by various institutions and agencies in and outside the state.
To plan and organize regular programs and activities for the development of faculty and administrative staff.
Maintenance of relevant records.
It aims to advance the education and welfare of students, promoting co-operation and communication among the management of the college, parents and staff. The association keenly observes all the activities of the college for the betterment of facilities. The PTA takes active interest and participation in academic and co-curricular programmes of the students. All parents/guardians of the students on the rolls of the college and the faculty are the members of the association and it is run by an elected committee.
Besides the induction day, an open house discussion for parents is conducted periodically every academic year. Various sessions are organized for updating awareness of parents on various issues. The PTA executive council meets at regular intervals and the annual general body meets once in a year. Besides the regular meetings of the executive, emergency meetings are also conducted whenever it is necessary.
The PTA is led by a president, and activities are managed by a secretary. Every year, a PTA money is maintained and accounted for.