Students Committee
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National Service Scheme (NSS)

Red Crescent college of Nursing has a NSS unit with 200 NSS volunteers in each year and is a funded unit under the Kerala University of Health Sciences (KUHS).

NSS volunteers work to ensure that everyone who is needy gets help to enhance their standard of living and lead a life of dignity, and also for the development of the personality of students through community service. It provides an extensive dimension to the higher education system and orients the student youth to community service while they study in an educational institution.

A student volunteer who has completed 240 hrs of work and attended a special camp during the course of two years is eligible for NSS Certificate from the University. This certificate gives weightage for higher studies and is an additional qualification for appointment in public services. At Red Crescent college of Nursing different activities like social welfare, medical, palliative, environmental and students’ development programmes are conducted every year in a preplanned and systematic manner.

College Union

Red Crescent College of Nursing has an active college union that operates in accordance with KUHS guidelines.

College Union 2023

The Student Nurses’ Association of India (SNAI)

The Student Nurses’ Association of India (SNAI) is an affiliated association of the student nurses under the umbrella of TNAI. The main purpose behind the establishment of SNAI was to uphold the dignity and to promote a team spirit among students with professional ethics.

SNAI was established in 1929 during TNAI Annual Conference in Madras. Miss L. Rina Jeans, Nursing Superintendent, Government General Hospital, Madras, was the first Honorary Organizing Secretary of SNAI. The pioneer unit of SNA was established in General Hospital, Madras. The first SNA annual Conference was held in Delhi during November 1932. The first one-day SNA Conference was held in 1951, and the first Biennial SNA Conference was held at Nagpur in 1961.


a . To help the students to uphold the dignity of the profession.

b . To promote team spirit among students for common goal.

c . To help the students to develop professional ethics.

d . To encourage students to gain positive attitude towards the nursing profession

e . To encourage the students to develop leadership quality and effective communication skills for overall development.

f . To encourage students to participate and compete in various events at state, regional and national conferences.

For more details visit :



The Grievance Redressal Cell (GRC) aims to look into the complaints lodged by any student and redress it as per requirement. The students can state their grievance regarding any academic and non- academic matter within the campus through the proper channel and grievance/ suggestion box.

The grievance portal aims to bring about the rapid resolution of grievances, in a transparent manner, within the prescribed timeframe. The purpose of this grievance process is to provide an orderly and efficient method by which students may resolve their complaints. The student grievance redressal committee comprises of Principal (Chairman), three senior teachers, and one student representative.

Students directly submit their complaint to their mentor or Principal. In case of minor grievance, Principal will instruct Head of the Department to redress the problem. In case of major grievance, Principal will instruct the 'Grievance and Redressal Cell' to redress the problem.

Career Guidance and Placement Cell

Career Guidance and Placement Cell take a dynamic involvement in guiding students for better Career and Job Opportunities. The Career Guidance and Placement Cell serves as a link between graduating students and prospective employers. The primary objective of the committee is to place all eligible & interested candidates according to the student’s career choices in various sectors. The Cell’s activities are initiated by the teaching faculty of different departments. We help each student in exploring placement opportunities by inviting agencies for career counseling, campus recruitment, and skill enhancement training.

Red Crescent College of Nursing provides a variety of carrier guidance and placement programs. The main aim of the carrier guidance and placement cell is to identify the need of students, arrange different coaching classes, conduct orientation for students, provide information regarding different job opportunities, and organize different capacity enhancement programs.

Students Support And Guidance Programme (SSGP)

Red Crescent college of Nursing constituted SSGP cell from the academic year 2017-18. The main aim of our support and guidance service cell is to encourage students in academic, social, emotional and personal developments.

The objective of this programme is to focus and addressing academic issues, psycho-social issues and health issues. The trained nodal officers from our teaching faculties of SSGP involved actively in the student's problems and help them to attain proper intervention on it., to improve overall performance

Anti Ragging

Our institution believes that Ragging is a disturbing reality in the higher education system of our country. Despite the fact that over the years ragging has claimed hundreds of innocent lives and has ruined careers of thousands of bright students, the practice is still perceived by many as a way of ‘familiarization’ and an ‘initiation into the real world’ for young college-going students. Other organizations working in this field have also attempted to define ragging, the variety of definitions being reflective of differences in perspective.

Ragging in any form is prohibited in the campus. To monitor and prevent such activities antiragging committee is constituted. Any complaint regarding ragging will treated according to the rules and regulations of the appropriate authorities.

To register any form of ragging


Disciplinary committee is to maintain discipline in the campus, college premises, classroom as well as in the hospitals wherever the students are posted. Also to create a safe, motivating and acceptable college environment by supporting the use of positive attitudes and practices. To take measures for inappropriate behaviour where ever necessary.

Students shall maintain and enforce strict discipline within the college campus.

The cell phone is prohibited in the college campus and if a student is found carrying a cell phone, it will be taken away and handed over to the Principal.

To monitor the movement of the students in the college and prevent students from loitering around in the corridors during the college hours.

To ensure that all the students attend classes without bunking and prevent them from leaving college early. Please note that no student can leave the college early without prior permission from the concerned authorities.

To maintain proper discipline in the college canteen and students' waiting rooms.

If any damage is caused to the college property by any student/group of students, the cost of the same will be recovered with a fine from the said student/group followed by disciplinary action.

If the student engaged in any activity which is found to be indisciplinary in nature, action will be taken based on the rules and regulations of the college.

The college will rigorously adhere to all KUHS norms on internal marking, attendance, and leave policy.

The institution will not deviate from the authorities' norms and regulations.

If a student has to discontinue the course, he or she must follow the standards and regulations of the PNCMAK bylaws with the Government of Kerala.


Wherever you are and whatever you are doing, Red Crescent college of Nursing would love to keep in touch with you and hear from you.

Alumni of the Institute spread around the globe have made the institution proud of their accomplishments.

Red Crescent college of Nursing Alumni Association is an active body with regular meet-ups and get-togethers of classmates and college friends. We encourage the alumni to meet once-in-a-year and get to share mutual terms which date back to the college days and relive the moments they shared with their classmates. It plays a positive role in the overall functioning of the Institute by providing assistance in various forms to the student community of the college.


To promote liaison between the alumni and the college.

To provide a common platform for the alumni of the college.

To enable the alumni to participate and contribute to the overall development of the institute.

To contribute significantly to the scientific and technological advancements of the country.

download doccumentAlumni


It aims to advance the education and welfare of students, promoting co-operation and communication among the management of the college, parents and staff. The association keenly observes all the activities of the college for the betterment of facilities. The PTA takes active interest and participation in academic and co-curricular programmes of the students. All parents/guardians of the students on the rolls of the college and the faculty are the members of the association and it is run by an elected committee.

Besides the induction day, an open house discussion for parents is conducted periodically every academic year. Various sessions are organized for updating awareness of parents on various issues. The PTA executive council meets at regular intervals and the annual general body meets once in a year. Besides the regular meetings of the executive, emergency meetings are also conducted whenever it is necessary.

The PTA is led by a president, and activities are managed by a secretary. Every year, a PTA money is maintained and accounted for.